We expect all our children to wear our school uniform when attending school or when participating in school organised events (see uniform list).
We also ask for parental support in ensuring that pupils' hairstyles are appropriate for school. We request that no motifs are shaved into children's hair and long hair should always be tied back.
Price List
School Sweatshirt £9.75
School bag (small) £5.15
School tie £4.00
School Uniform during Winter
Royal blue sweatshirts with school logo
Mid grey trousers (tailored)
White shirt (long sleeves)
School tie
Black shoes (no trainers)
Head coverings must be white
Years 5 and 6 only;
Grey blazer
Blue jumper
White shirt - House tie
Grey trousers
Royal blue sweatshirt with logo
Royal blue cardigans
White shirt (long sleeves)
Grey skirt (flared or pleated), grey pinafore, grey trousers
Head coverings must be white
White socks or tights
Black shoes with flat heels (no trainers)
Years 5 and 6 only;
Grey blazer
Blue jumper
White short - House tie
Grey trousers/ Skirt
School Uniform during Summer
As above but white shirt with short sleeves
Head cover must be white
Children are not allowed to wear t-shirts
Years 5 and 6 only;
Grey blazer
Blue jumper
White shirt - House tie
Grey trousers
Blue gingham dress
White shirt - short sleeves
Grey skirt - flared or pleated, grey pinafore, grey trousers
Head coverings must be white
White socks
Years 5 and 6 only;
Grey blazer
Blue jumper
White short - House tie
Grey trousers/ Skirt
Nursery - All children are expected to wear school uniform
White polo shirts
Grey joggings bottoms
Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan
Trainers with Velcro fastenings
PE Kit
We will tell you at the start of the school year which day your child has PE, but we sometimes have to change the day at short notice because of other things going on in school.
Plain white T-shirt
Black shorts
Black jogging suits
Blue school jumper
Black pumps or trainers suitable to the sport
On Health and Safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are small studs for children with pierced ears and small objects of religious significance. However, children will need to tape these down when doing P.E and follow safety guidance for swimming.