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Welcome to Pathway

Welcome to Pathway. Our PE day is Friday, and children should come to school in PE kit on that day. Remember homework is due on a Monday and reading books need returning on a Tuesday. See below the pictures of all the wonderful things we have been getting up to. Please also look on your child’s Tapestry to see individual activities, comments and pictures of your child. 



Carrying on with our theme, the Chinese New Year the children in Pathway made fortune cookies during sensory cookery.



Tying in with our theme of the week the ‘ Chinese New Year’, during our expressive arts lesson the children were given the task to paint a dragon mask.



During My Communication the children were learning about the month of January. This activity included clothing we wear during the winter.



To celebrate the Chinese New Year, the children in Pathway incorporated the celebration into their fine motor and mark making activities. They used dyed rice, peas and to improvise the use of chopsticks they used paintbrushes.

Party Decorations


This week we in Pathway, to prepare for the holidays, we decorated Christmas trees using pom poms and different coloured paints. We also used some adhesive paper to create a Christmas bauble by sticking tissue paper to create a beautiful design. 



We have nearly finished our sensory story which is Room on the Broom. The children have enjoyed making wands from sticks and witches’ hats for mark making. We have also been getting ready for Christmas and made salt dough decorations that we will decorate before bringing home.  



The children in Pathway have had a brilliant first week and settled well into their new class.



This term the children, along with the support are reading the book ‘The little Red Hen’.
This children enjoyed the sensory experience whilst having a feel of the cake mixture which we used as soil.



As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations, the children in Pathway took part by dressing up as a dragon to celebrate the year of the snake.



During Expressive Arts the children, with the support of an adult made ‘edible slime’ using everyday household ingredients. They stretched, pulled and played with slime demonstrating excellent fine motor skills!

New Year


This week, we have enjoyed taking part in lots of different art and craft activities. We all made a calendar ready for the New Year. We hope you all have a lovely break and come back ready to learn lots more in the new year. Happy New Year!

Box of Crayons


This week we have been completing activities linked to our sensory story, looking at the different animals that the witch invites on her broom. For sensory cooking, we have made sparkly snow dough after the little flurry of snow we had.  In mark making we have used crayons to complete rubbings of natural autumn objects such as leaves, pinecones . Our letter sound is O and we have made a cotton wool ‘Olaf’ the snowman.  



As part of our morning routine in Pathway we begin the day with a Good Morning song to get the ball rolling, this is swiftly followed by a sensory circuit which includes an  alerting, organising and calming station. We then proceed with bucket time/ attention autism which the children thoroughly enjoy.

رحلة F2A إلى مزرعة ماونت بليزانت - الثلاثاء 21 مارس 
رحلة F2K إلى مزرعة ماوث بليزانت - الأربعاء 22 مارس

© 2023 لمدرسة كانتربري كروس الابتدائية

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