Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Year 4, we have two classes which are 4A and 4E. Our PE day is Tuesday and children should come to school in PE kit on those days. Homework and reading records will be collected on Mondays, and homework is handed out on Thursdays.
Please see below our termly planners and what we have been getting up to this academic year!
This week in Year 4, we have started looking at our new topic of 'Persuasion' in our Literacy lessons. Children identified the structural and language features of a range of different persuasive texts
To finish off our topic of Christianity in RE, we answered our 'Big Question' - Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians?
Children created posters highlighting the different ways in which this question can be answered.
This week in Year 4, we are looking at explanation texts in Literacy. Children explored structural and language features
This week in Year 4, we are looking at diaries. Children looked at the structural and language features found in a diary
Well done to 4E for a fantastic assembly about our school ethos and values this week, focusing on SHARE and CRISP. They showed us what values are important and what the children should show at school 🙋♂️😀🏅✨
This week in Year 4, we had our parent workshop! Our focus was on Art, and we looked at our current topic of 'Greek theatre masks' Children and parents got stuck in as they practised different sculpting techniques using salt dough.
This week in Year 4 to celebrate Diwali, children participated in Diya painting, all children painted their own diyas. Chidren also read the story of Diwali
This week in Year 4, we are continuing our topic of Ancient Greece in History. Children created a pyramid writing about the Upper Class, Middle Class and Lower class
This week in Year 4, we have looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Although a tricky concept, children have worked super hard this week!
This week in Year 4, we started our new topic of Electricity, children were able to identify what electrical items are powered by mains, and items that are battery powered.
This week in Year 4 Literacy, children wrote their explanation texts of how a tellyscope works. Children used a range of multi-clause sentences to uplevel their writing.
This week in Year 4 in Maths we have looked at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
This week in Year 4, we have planned and written our diary entries from Mr Tumnus's (Narnia) point of view of when he first met Lucy. Children wrote a detailed diary using a range of complex sentences and fronted adverbials.
This week In Year 4, we have started our DT topic. Children are looking at torches. Today, children drew a design specification of their own chosen torch.
This week in Year 4, we are continuing to use our sculpting techniques in Art to create a prototype of our Greek masks using salt dough. Children used carving knives to create detail
This week in Year 4, we are continuing our gymnastic lessons. Children looked at different types of rolls including barrel and front roll
This week in Science, we have continued looking at our topic of Electricity. Children looked at materials predicting which ones would be insulators and conductors. We then created our circuits and using the materials that we made our predictions on, we put them to the test!
This week in Year 4, we have been continuing looking at our topic of 'Stories from another culture'. Children wrote a setting description based on Pocahontas
This week in Year 4, we have been continuing learning our basic skills. Children used a range of complex sentences to describe a setting. They are able to identify the main and subordinating clauses.
This week we have been learning the importance of building good relationships with our peers.