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Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2, we have two classes which are 2B and 2K. Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday, children should come to school in PE kit on those days. Spellings are given out on a Monday and tested on a Friday and homework and reading books are sent home on a Thursday and should be handed in on a Monday.  If you have any questions about the homework, please speak to your child's teacher on a Friday.

Please see below our termly planners and what we have been getting up to this academic year!


This week we started our new topic, Living things in their habitats. We learnt new vocabulary and explored the life processes. 


This week we started our new Geography topic. We learnt about the continents and oceans. 


D. T

This week we started our D.T project. We are making a moving vehicle. This week we made a moving mechanism. 


This week we learnt about Anti-bullying. We discussed what bullying is and identified ways to help others. 


This week in RE we read the story 'The Crying Camel'. We discussed how everyone should show kindness to people and animals. 



Mental Health 

This week we discussed the importance of mental health. We learnt about different strategies to keep calm. 

Science Class



This week we were investigators. We conducted an experiment to see which material is the most absorbent. 

Art Supply


This week we started our Art topic, painting. We explored primary colour and secondary colours and used them to create a colour wheel. 


This week we programmed spheros to create loops and make the device move. 

y2 trucks 1.jpg


This week we completed our fire engines. We secured the body and painted the whole-body red. We then added elements such as a sliding ladder, a hose, windows, door and a siren.


This week in Art we learnt how to do different brush strokes. The strokes we used in our paintings were, blobs, dots, dashes and lines. 


This week we learnt about the festival Diwali. We explored the stories of Diwali and made divas. 




This week we created Artwork based off the artist Kandinsky. We drew and painted atmospheres using hot and cold colours. 



Black History Month 

This week we learnt about Black History Month. We learnt about significant people who helped get equality for others. We also created African masks. 

Fire Station Interior



This week for History we completed a time line. We ordered the events for the Great Fire of London. 



This week we have been learning the importance of building good relationships with our peers. 

F2A ট্রিপ টু মাউন্ট প্লেজেন্ট ফার্ম - মঙ্গলবার 21শে মার্চ 
F2K ট্রিপ টু মাউথ প্লেজেন্ট ফার্ম - বুধবার ২২শে মার্চ

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