Welcome to Reception
We are 2 classes in one unit. The classes are F2K and F2G. We follow the EYFS curriculum and use Tapestry to share achievements with parents. We also follow the RWI scheme to teach phonics. You can access Tapestry using your browser or you can download the app to your phone or tablet. If you have any difficulties accessing this account please speak to us. Please ensure your child brings their book bag every day. Homework is given out every Thursday and should be handed in on Monday. Reading diaries are checked and books are changed every Friday.
Reception have been busy learning about Amelia Earhart. We explored a new genre of writing and have enjoyed exploring Amelia Earhart's life. Children write sentences about her life. We also compared what life is like in Pakistan compared to England. We explored hot and climates in the world and how cultures are different to ours.
This week we have continued our topic on 'Transport'. We read the story 'Red Lorry Yellow Lorry' and children loved discussing the different vehicles in the story. We have started writing simple captions using phonetic sounds and punctuation. We have been learning about how trains have changed from the past and sorting part and present vehicles. We have had lots of discussions this week about how vehicles will change in the future. Flying cars?
This week Reception have been exploring maps. We discussed how we use maps and what they are for, and looked at familiar locations on Google Maps. The children made their own maps showing their route to school.
This week Reception performed the Nativity! They sang the songs beautifully and showed great confidence saying their lines and performing on stage. Well done Reception!
This week in Reception we have been looking at hibernation. We read the story "Don't hog the hedge", discussed which animals hibernate, and we made homes for animals to hibernate in.
This week Reception have enjoyed making gingerbread people. We mixed ingredients, rolled out the dough and decorated them once cooked. Well done Reception!
This week Reception have enjoyed learning about Elmer. We have celebrated Elmer Day, discussed how we are special and different, and took part in a range of creative Elmer activities.
This week we have been reading 'Funny bones'. We have really enjoyed exploring skeletons and applying our newly learnt phonic sounds to writing cvc words!
This week, we have explored how we are all different and what makes us unique. We made 'I am special' mirrors to remind ourselves how fantastic it is to be different and what makes us special individuals.
This week in Reception we have enjoyed exploring different areas of learning including counting, recognising numbers and recognising sounds. Our focus has been discussing likes and dislikes. The children have enjoyed creating a poster about their favourite food, colour, animal and cartoon!
This week Reception have enjoyed creating trains using junk modelling and collage materials. They discussed how they made their trains with their peers.
This week we have continued to explore our local area. We looked at symbols on a local map and identified local features in our area!
This week, we have enjoyed taking part in lots of different art and craft activities. We all made a calendar ready for the New Year. We hope you all have a lovely break and come back ready to learn lots more in the new year. Happy New Year!
This week we are reading 'Jack and the beanstalk'. We really enjoyed re-telling the story using props and puppets. Children have started writing captions to match pictures from the story. Children remembered to use finger spaces and sounded out. Wow!
This week we have been experimenting with different materials and objects to predict and test which objects float and sink! We made good predictions based on the weight and the density of each objects and discussed our observations and results.
This week we have learnt about Diwali, who celebrates it and why. We took part in various activities including making rangoli patterns, colouring diyas, creating mendhi patterns and role playing the story of Rama and Sita.
This week we have been busy exploring and investigating light and dark. We looked at how shadows change and why shadows are formed. We loved making shadow puppets with our hands to re-create animals.
We have had a brilliant week looking at culture and living in Africa. We read the story 'Lila and the Secret of Rain' and explored the differences of living in England and Africa. We selected and chose appropriate materials that would suit a village house in Africa. We all loved creating our village houses!
This week we have been looking at how to 'Fill a bucket' through showing kindness. Reception children have tried hard this week to show kindness to each other in different ways.
The children in Reception have had a brilliant first week and settled well into their new classes.
This week we have looked at The Rainbow Fish story to promote sharing and kindness.