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Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1, we have two classes which are 1M and 1K. Our PE days are Tuesday's and Wednesday, children should come to school in PE kit on those days. Remember homework should be returned on Monday and reading books/ records should be given in every Thursday. 

Please see below our termly planner, our knowledge organisers and what we have been getting up to this academic year!

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The children in year 1 were thrilled to take part in the dance track programme this week hosted by Birmingham Royal Ballet. They showcased their dancing skills in an hour-long ballet performance which included a live pianist! Children selected for their skills by Birmingham Royal Ballet will be chosen for free ballet lessons for one year, amongst other perks!



This week the children had the opportunity to create layered print work for Art. They went out to create tree rubbings and then used other techniques for print to make their master pieces. Children thoroughly enjoyed creating and evaluating their art work, inspired by artist Willaim Morris.

Eid Al-Fitr


This week they have enjoyed Eid festive activities and talking about their personal experiences with their peers.


Year 1 looked at two different types of investigations for Science week.

Investigation 1: Soda geyser experiment- Where the children had to make predictions on what will happen when a bottle of fizz comes into contact with 7 mentos. the children made predictions on their findings before concluding.

Investigation 2: Pendulum patterns: The children had to test how many swings the different sized  pendulums  made in one minute. 



The children have enjoyed visiting our brilliant library this week. They had a chance to explore wonderful books and take them out to read. 


Children have also loved experimenting with printing tools and paints this week in art

Gardening Lesson


The children discussed the importance of good listening for mental health week. They participated in lots of fun listening games and talked about how their voice matters! Children are also keeping a diary of their plants - and they are so excited about the growth they have observed and have enjoyed watering them this week.

Planting Seeds


In year 1 the children have been planting radish seeds during science and they will be completing a diary documenting their observations of the growth over the next few weeks.

Christmas Pine Tree


This week we learnt the story of Christmas. On Thursday we had a traditional Christmas dinner followed by an afternoon full of fun activities. 

Chemistry Set


In Science, for this term we will be looking at Everyday Materials, this week the children observed a tree, they had to draw an analysis on how trees are currently, also what season it is. 



This week the children investigated using their sense of touch. They had to complete a carousel of activities and decide if they needed to use just 'touch' or other senses also. They had fun conducting this and recording their findings.



Year 1 enjoyed partaking in activities for the special festival of Vasaikhi this week. They learnt about the sikh festival during class discussions and had the opportunity to watch the school performance by Year 4.



The children enjoyed a visit from the Ministry of Chocolate, where a chocolatier taught them all about the amazing history of chocolate. The children got to see cocoa pods, taste chocolate nibs and make their own chocolate lollipops and chocolate 'cupcakes'. They watched lots of videos of how chocolate was sourced and developed over time. 

1M also performed their Cadbury assembly this week and taught everyone all they know!  It's really been a 'choctastic' week!

Art Class


The children have been looking at printing in Art. They enjoyed using a variety of tools to roll onto fabric and paper using acrylic and poster paints. They evaluated their prints and shared their ideas well.



The children in Year 1 have been enjoying playing the recorders and resiliently improving their musical skills. They've been using body percussion also and learning the song 'lazy crazy kangaroo'. 



The children created clay insects for art this week. They applied different modelling techniques to create fantastic insects made from salt dough. Children used their creative skills and art knowledge to design and describe their minibeasts.


The children have enjoyed listening to a variety of stories from other cultures this week in Literacy. Some of their favourites included 'The Elephant's Garden' and 'Handa's Surprise'. 

For science, children went out to observe winter trees and learnt about seasonal changes.

Virgin Mary and Jesus Statue


In RE, the children looked at how friendships are important, also why it is important to be a 'good friend'. Our topic for this half term is Christianity, where the children will analyse how Jesus was a good person, also how he maintained a good friendship. 

Colorful Geometric Shapes


This week in Year 1, the children looked at 3D sculptures, the children explored what 3D sculptures are, how they hold. We also looked at pieces of Artwork, where the children had to share their opinion.


F2A Viaggio a Mount Pleasant Farm - martedì 21 marzo 
F2K Trip to Mouth Pleasant Farm - mercoledì 22 marzo

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