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Welcome to Pathway

Welcome to Pathway. Our PE day is Friday, and children should come to school in PE kit on that day. Remember homework is due on a Monday and reading books need returning on a Tuesday. See below the pictures of all the wonderful things we have been getting up to. Please also look on your child’s Tapestry to see individual activities, comments and pictures of your child. 


This week we in Pathway, to prepare for the holidays, we decorated Christmas trees using pom poms and different coloured paints. We also used some adhesive paper to create a Christmas bauble by sticking tissue paper to create a beautiful design. 


We have nearly finished our sensory story which is Room on the Broom. The children have enjoyed making wands from sticks and witches’ hats for mark making. We have also been getting ready for Christmas and made salt dough decorations that we will decorate before bringing home.  


This week we have been completing activities linked to our sensory story, looking at the different animals that the witch invites on her broom. For sensory cooking, we have made sparkly snow dough after the little flurry of snow we had.  In mark making we have used crayons to complete rubbings of natural autumn objects such as leaves, pinecones . Our letter sound is O and we have made a cotton wool ‘Olaf’ the snowman.  

F2A ট্রিপ টু মাউন্ট প্লেজেন্ট ফার্ম - মঙ্গলবার 21শে মার্চ 
F2K ট্রিপ টু মাউথ প্লেজেন্ট ফার্ম - বুধবার ২২শে মার্চ

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