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Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5, we have two classes which are 5H and 5Z. Our PE days are Monday and Thursday, children should come to school in PE kit on those days. Homework and reading records will be collected on Mondays, and homework  is handed out on Thursdays. 

Please see below our termly planner, our knowledge organisers and what we have been getting up to this academic year!



This week, Year 5 have been learning how to say foods in Spanish. Some children have created a menu in Spanish and will be role playing a restaurant scenario. 



This week, Year 5 visited Sarehole Mill as part of their Rivers topic in Geography. The children conducted fieldwork related to the River Cole, such as exploring the human and physical features found along the river. It was a fun filled trip where the children were able to become real life Geographers! Well done to all of Year 5! 


The start of the summer term begun with Year 5 exploring features of newspaper reports. Over this term, we will write our own!



As part of Science week, Year 5 have been investigating time. We have conducted two experiments, thought about how to present results and drawing up a conclusion 

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This week in Science, the children dissected a flower to understand the role each part plays in plant reproduction.



In RE, this week, year 5 have been comparing Zen and Tibetan monks as part of their learning about Buddhism.  They used a Venn diagram to present their understanding



This week we have been listening and appraising a new genre of music. Children have been exploring the composition of a rap song. 

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Welcome back. We have had a fantastic start to the Spring term this week. We have thought about

our identity and how this is important to British values.



This week we had a workshop where we learnt how to use African drums.

In history we explored the social hierarchy and learnt about the four different social classes.


In PE this week, the children were learning how to shoot a ball accurately into a goal. They are beginning to learn how to defend strategically and will, in future lessons, put these skills into practice. 


Year 5 have been learning how to add, subtract and multiply different types of fractions. The children are able to apply the skills they have learnt to a variety of different questions. 



This week, all children took part in an Easter Egg competition. We have been impressed with the time, effort and enthusiasm the children have shown. Those who took part, created wonderful entries. Well done! 



This week the children celebrated world book day! The children planned, designed and created a book from scratch. 


In PE this week, we have started our new tennis topic. During the lesson, a couch introduced back hand and forehand. We were able to observe and have a go at practising these new skills. 


This week year 5 have been learning about how day and night occur in Science.  They carried out mini investigations using a torch and globe.



This week as part of our topic on Earth and Space, we have been learning how to remember the order of the planets in the solar system. 

Christmas Pine Tree


This week we learnt the story of Christmas. On Thursday we had a traditional Christmas dinner followed by an afternoon full of fun activities. 

Year 4 Lunt Fort Trip - Monday 20th May

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